Devarim 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Devarim 5772: Deuteronomy 1-3.

Ben Alger, one of the Elders at Beth Tikkun, provides insights into this opening parshah of Deuteronomy.

Categories Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary | Tags: | Posted on July 31, 2012

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  1. by Leonie Bester

    On August 4, 2012

    I would just like to ask the following question – We are in South Africa still invoilved at our local church – El Shaddai- our pastor is really seeking God, but not in the Hebraic roots – I do however send them from time to time articles and information. He recently started teaching on the book of Hebrews – and as we are also new into the hebraic roots – I understand from the reading that is is a very anti Messianic book.
    My question is this – do you have any teaching on the book of Hebrews?
    I have noted that some of the verses do not quote the old testament correctly – example that the brazen altar is in the Holy of Holies??

    What is you comment on this book? Would love to hear it – thank you so much for the valuable teaching that we receive from you week after week – just love the way that the Word is opened up to us. Blessing Leonie

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On August 6, 2012

    Dear Leonie, It is interesting that you inquire about the book of Hebrews in that lately I have received several questions about this book and requests to do a teaching on it, so I have decided that when we complete the current Torah cycle we will go straight into the book of Hebrews. In Beth Tikkun’s early days we did do a study on Hebrews, but that was before we began recording the teachings. So thank you again for your request and we will beginning a study of Hebrews in the fall.
    Shalom, Grant

  3. by Tim Winkley

    On August 11, 2012


    I hope you are well. I have been following Beth Tikkun’s ministry and teachings for some time now. I am truly blessed to have found this site and to have met Grant over the email. I have never met them in person. The below comment is from my own personal experience.

    I also found the book of Hebrews confusing as I am convicted the Scriptures do not contradict themselves. There are some obvious contradictions in that book in the English translations. For example “these all died in faith not having received the promises” a few short verses later, “and he that received the promise”. When I find contradictions, I have to soundly rectify them in the Scripture. So far, I have not found one that contradicts the original writings and I have been at this for a significant period of my life. The weakness is “the human factor”. Ignorance and manipulation have contributed to much of the above.

    May I suggest that until Grant posts the teaching this fall, you begin to memorize the book (Hebrews) in your preferred translation. I found that when I did this, the Comforter began to teach me personally the correct translation of what is written. One of the biggest blessings in my studies of the Scriptures is to have the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Comforter) give me the correct translation in my mind and to find that it is verified by what is written in the Torah. The personal interaction is rich beyond belief.

    Blessings To You!

  4. by Hestie

    On August 13, 2017

    Brilliant thank you for reminders so in season.

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