Haf. Vayakkhel (1 Kings 7:13-26, 40-50)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In this study we discover several fascinating parallels between the Tabernacle craftsmen (Bezalel & Oholiab) and the craftsmen of the First Temple (Solomon & Hiram). We also analyze why the description of Solomon’s palace is found in the middle of the description of the Temple’s construction. The pillars, named Boaz and Yachin, also provide some important life lessons. And we consider the question of why there were 12 molten oxen used in the Temple courtyard.

Haf. Vayakhel

Categories Haftarah Portion, Media | Tags: , , , , , , | Posted on February 23, 2014

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  1. by Dennis Pfabe

    On February 28, 2014

    In the teaching you commented that Paul must have received info from Midrash Tanchuma in reference to 1 Col. 1:9. Do you have any ref. to when Tanckuma was written? Wouldn’t Paul have references to Chochmah, Binah, and Daat from the Tannach or is their additional info in Tanchuma that leads us to understand 1 Col. 1:9 better.
    I’m just asking as I have not read or have Midrash Tanchuma.

    Thanks, Dennis

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 2, 2014

    Dennis, thank you for your excellent questions. Actually, I have no idea whether or not Paul was thinking of Midrash Tanchuma when he wrote Col. 1:9. There are multiple references in the Tanach to wisdom, understanding and knowledge. It tells us that God used these when He created the universe; that He gave them to Bezalel when he constructed the Tabernacle; and that He also gave them to Hiram for constructing the Temple. The Tanchuma simply strings these occurrences together. I stated that the writer of Hebrews obviously was referencing Tanchuma, but I did not state that Paul relied on it to write Colossians since, as you say, there are plenty of references in the Tanach.

    As to your question about the age of the Midrash Tanchuma, that is a little more complicated.Remember that we cannot gauge the age of these teachings by asking when they were written since they were passed along orally and only written down (for the most part) in the third and fourth centuries due to fear that they would be forgotten. But the body of work called Midrash Tanchuma was actually compiled from three collections of studies and insights into the Torah. We know that the oldest of the three collections predates the Midrash Rabbah itself since the Midrash Rabbah quotes it. There is so much to say on this subject (and so much that I need to learn myself) that I hope this brief response is at least a little helpful!


  3. by Charlotte Gunther

    On February 28, 2014

    Wisdom-Understanding-Knowledge have been in my mind all week. my granddaughter posted a question one day, “what good thing can I do today” & I answered “Love the Lord your God with all your being” which led my thoughts to: Let your heart yearn for His wisdom, give your mind to pursue understanding, & strengthen your hands to practice knowledge.
    This is how to fulfill the first & greatest commandment.

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