Hebrews (Chapter 7b)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of Hebrews. Does God change His Torah? Does He ‘set aside’ His commandments? Does the passing of the ‘old covenant’ mean that we should ignore the Hebrew scriptures? In this teaching we address the misunderstandings that often accompany this portion of  Hebrews.

This teaching’s study Resources:

Chapter 7(b) Visuals


Categories Hebrews, Media | Tags: , | Posted on January 28, 2013

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On January 28, 2013

    the 7b visuals are not accessible?

  2. by Gina Ellinger

    On February 2, 2013

    Teaching great!! Wish more people could hear it. Uncovers a truth that is hidden by mistranslations in Christianity.

    Volume not too good. Had volume all the way up but still hard to hear.

  3. by Roberto M. Avila

    On July 12, 2018

    Hebrews Study: ch. 7b

    Your sermons on the epistle to the Hebrews was helpful and encouraging. I will probably go over it one more time. Wish you had a study on Ezekiel.

    Bless you, for your work.

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On July 13, 2018

    Thank you, Roberto. I am so glad that the Hebrews study was helpful. But, Ezekiel? Hhmmmm….. I have banged my head against that book for a lot of years, and I never cracked Ezekiel. Just my head.
    As to your question concerning judging, you are correct – we judge all the time. We judge which is the best car to buy, which is the best-tasting soup, and which socks go with which shoes, etc. But none of these are the kind of ‘judging’ that Yeshua warns us against. The problem is a linguistic one. The English word ‘judge’ simply has too many nuances. But, the Hebrew and Greek words more finely tuned. In Greek, there are two words that are often both translated ‘judge’, but one actually means ‘to discern’ and the other means ‘to criticize/condemn’. It is obvious which one is permitted and which one is not. But making “judgments” is something we cannot (nor are we expected to) avoid. For example, Yeshua spoke of false prophets (Matt.7) and told us that we would recognize them by their fruits. How can we possibly recognize a false prophet from a good one if we are not “judging” their fruit! The bottom line is that we must make very careful, thoughtful, and wise ‘judgments’ concerning others since we will be ‘judged’ according to the standard we use ‘to judge’.

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