Matthew 5f

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study in Matthew’s gospel. In this study we consider the last three commandments Yeshua selected from the Torah upon which to comment. We also analyze what the Word says about “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”.

Visuals: Matthew 5f

Categories Apostolic Writings, Matthew, Media | Tags: | Posted on February 1, 2015

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  1. by Tim Winkley

    On April 1, 2015


  2. by Tim Winkley

    On April 1, 2015

    Grant, your comments on abortion. I think it is more complex than communicated.

    When a women has an abortion, I agree that calling her a murderer is not helpful. Considering especially, if she is opening up about it.

    In some ways, while still responsible, she is a victim as well. Yes, she shouldn’t have allowed the male to lie with her (if not married), but she was still disrespected by the male. Also, many times she is in a desperate situation, having been abandoned by the male.

    Thirdly, our culture deviously (as per their father, satan the destroyer), offers abortion as a solution to the desperation; so I would say that she is victimized in that aspect .

    Finally, she is victimized by the medical representative that kills the baby for profit (now there is a murderer for you).

    Conclusion, there are many who are culpable in the killing of a child, the mother, the father, the culture and the med rep that committed the actual murder.

    A final point, if you have ever been around a woman, just following her first abortion, they are typically devastated. Once the act is committed, the Spirit of G-d pierces through the deception bringing realization and sorrow to the mother of the gravity of what just occurred. The blinders are off and now she faces the reality that she killed her child.

    I would definitely say that her second abortion is done with full knowledge of the events that led to it and the results that followed it. The second one (and any more) are murder. Outside of sincere repentance the stain of that crime is hers to bear

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