Moedim & Rosh Hashanah

In this study, we take a brief survey at the seven biblical moedim (“appointed times”) and discover their significance for us as messianic believers. We also consider the spiritual significance of Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) and discover some amazing things about the shofar and the “horn of Yeshua”.

Visuals: The Moedim & Rosh Hashanah

Medios Visuales: Los Moadim

Categories Media, The Moedim | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on October 2, 2016

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1 Comment

  1. by Gary Preston

    On October 6, 2016

    Grant, thank you so much for this teaching. So insightful and bringing a fuller dimension to something that has appeared so obscure to us and seemingly irrelevant other than the joy of the Moedim and the opportunity to “blow our own horn”. I have been really blessed and challenged by your insight into how the Ruach of Hashem brings to life the sound of the Shophar. This led me to Paul’s comments in 1 Cor 14 of how the “trumpet” needs to make a clear sound for us to understand the signal that it is giving. You have made the message very clear. Thank you.

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