A Passover Story for Children

A Night to Be Remembered.pdf

Categories Articles, The Moedim | Tags: | Posted on April 8, 2020

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  1. by Conny Crites

    On April 19, 2020

    I was hoping to find out when are we to have the Passover Seder on the eve, start of Nissan 14?
    Or the day of Nissan 14?

    Which would start the Unleavened Bread the eve of Nissan15.

    Thank you for your help.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On April 19, 2020

    Conny, It is traditional to hold the Seder on the evening of Nissan 14 because that is when the Pesach lamb was slain in Exodus 12:6 – “You shall keep it [the lamb] until the fourteenth day of the same month, then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel is to kill it at twilight.” Thus, at twilight on the 14th of Nissan is when the Seder is traditionally held. However, one can celebrate the Seder any night of the Week of Unleavened Bread. In fact, under some circumstances the Torah permitted the Seder to be celebrated a month later (Numbers 9:1-12 / 2Chron.30).

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