Genesis 14

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we analyze the details of “the Battle of the Kings”. As we decode the names of the various players in this episode, some amazing insights into spiritual warfare are revealed. We then consider Abraham the warrior and learn more principles for waging godly spiritual warfare.

Visuals: Genesis 14

Medios Visuales: Gén 14

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , , , | Posted on December 18, 2016

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  1. by Gene Brooks

    On December 22, 2016

    I tried out your podcast beginning with Genesis 10, and it has been great, really ministered to me. Scripture-rich. I have taught the Bible nearly 30 years, and your teaching has been nourishing to my soul.
    Thanks so much,
    Gene Brooks

  2. by Carla van der Westhuizen

    On January 6, 2017

    Hi Grant
    Thanks for this great teaching series! My husband and I have been studying Torah for 5 years now, and after going over the Torah portions year after year it never seizes to surprise us how the LORD keeps revealing new things to us. Your teachings are refreshing and I love how you take scripture from all over the Bible to incorporate it into the Torah portions. I live in South Africa and drive 40mins to work every day, so I listen to your teachings in the car every day and it makes the drive much quicker!
    Thanks for all the principles you make clear and for helping us understand the Word of God.

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On January 8, 2017

    Dear Carla, Thank you so much for you lovely and encouraging email. I just pray you don’t hit a particularly boring teaching as you drive to work. I don’t want you falling asleep at the wheel! 🙂 Thank you for listening, and enjoy your beautiful South African summer. (We are freezing here!) Shalom, Grant

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