Genesis 27

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we analyze the well-known story of how Jacob used guile to procure Esau’s blessing. This story is often a cause of confusion, but if we look behind the scenes, we may discover an entirely different dynamic. We also discuss the startling link between this narrative and Y om Kippur.

Visuals: Genesis 27

Medios Visuales: Gén 27

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on June 25, 2017

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  1. by David Russell

    On June 28, 2017

    Dear R’ Grant and Beth Tikkun Congregation,
    I am a semi-retired medical transcriptionist, author, musician, husband and dad living in Michigan with my wife of nearly 21 years. I just listened to your talk on John 12, living in the hour in which we find ourselves with the enablement of G-d. I have been interested in Jewish Roots for over 10 years and it has often been a journey online and either alone or with a small minority. We attend a local Lutheran church, and that is part of my faith struggle. I have been blind from infancy and use writing to both encourage, inspire and probably work things out in my own life and consciousness. I will be trying to access future podcasts of yours since figuring out how to do so. Can I more or less consider you my cyber fellowship?
    I am producing an anthology at the moment, but once that is published, I will be in a better position to send an occasional donation via PayPal. The anthology is to be titled, “Waiting for Messiah”, and will be published in 3 months on Smashwords.
    For now, I will be frequent in monitoring your podcasts, but also appreciate and ask “frequent” prayers for myself and my wife Sherry as we live for Yeshua day in and day out. She is sighted, works as a Nurse Practitioner. I also play Sunday brunch at a local restaurant and most Sunday afternoons around noontime play a hymn of the week; often Kodesh by Paul Wilbur.
    Shalom and Blessings,
    David C. Russell

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On June 30, 2017

    Dear David, Thank you for taking the time to email and share your life with us. Yes, of course!, you may consider Beth Tikkun your “cyber fellowship” if we can assist you in your walk with Yeshua. I look forward to reading your forthcoming anthology and pray that it will be a great blessing to many. May God continue to bless you and Sherry as you live to please Him in all that you do. Shalom & Blessings, Grant

  3. by Victoria Nappi

    On July 26, 2017

    Another great teaching and insight….. you have brought out things that I would have easily missed… I very much appreciate that I am able to listen online.. hope to visit again soon! God Bless

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