Genesis 3b

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we continue to analyze the serpent’s temptation of Eve and compare to his temptation of Yeshua in the wilderness. We review the basic understanding of body, soul, and spirit.  We learn about the Targum’s use of the word memra and see how it relates to the opening of John’s gospel. And, finally, we discuss Satan’s war on women, the true power of women, and the destructive influence of the feminist movement.

Visuals: Genesis 3b

Medios Visuales: Gén 3b

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , | Posted on July 24, 2016

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  1. by James

    On August 10, 2016

    Very excellent lesson, thank you so much for your sharing! Found it fascinating the same word for fig could also mean excuse. Is this source for this in the Talmud, or just Hebrew in general?

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On August 14, 2016

    James, Thank you for your question, and you are not the first one to ask this. The word for “fig” is t’einah (תאנה), and also means “excuse” (תואנה, to’anah). I know the spelling of “excuse” contains an additional vav, but since it acts as a vowel, the two words are considered (for all practical purposes) the same.

    I hope this helps!

  3. by Edwin

    On August 20, 2016

    We really enjoy your Torah portions. We are fairly new to this and I was wondering if you have 2015-2016 Torah portions as well.

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On August 21, 2016

    Edwin, We do not have Torah portion studies for 2015 since we were finishing our studies in Matthew at that time. After that was completed, we did some studies in Psalms, and now are involved in what we call The Torah Project, wherein we are taking our time to go through Genesis. Thank you for listening!

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