Genesis 42 – 43

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Genesis 42 – 43.

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Categories Genesis, Media, Tanakh | Tags: , , | Posted on August 1, 2009

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  1. by Jim Herwig

    On October 14, 2015

    In several of your Genesis teachings you mentioned a book that you were reading at the time that was written by an Israeli engineer. I was not able to catch the name of the author or the name of the book. Can you please share that with me?

    I really appreciate your teachings that are available for free – what a great resource!

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On November 1, 2015

    Jim, So sorry for not answering your query sooner, but I had loaned out my copy of the book in question and simply could not remember the info. But I now have it back in my hands and here is the info. The name of the book is “The Coming Revolution: Science Discovers the Truths of the Bible”, by Zamir Cohen (Hibabroot Publishers). I purchased it in Israel, but if you do some detective work you should be able to find a copy on the internet. Shalom! Grant L.

  3. by Jim Herwig

    On November 28, 2015

    Thanks so much for the information. Did you say that he was not Messianic?

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On November 29, 2015

    No. The author is not messianic, to my knowledge.

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