Hebrews (Chapter 2, part 1)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of Hebrews. In this teaching we address the relationship of angels to the believer, the similarities between the exodus from Egypt and the redemption provided by Yeshua, and we also consider the author’s use of the Zohar.

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Categories Hebrews, Media | Tags: , | Posted on November 25, 2012

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  1. by Cheri

    On December 16, 2012

    Shalom Grant,
    It’s me again. Listening to the Hebrew series, trying to catch up.
    You stated that it’s Jewish belief and, of course, it’s recorded in Acts, as you pointed out, that the notion is that angels gave the Torah to Moses. But I’m wondering why / how this idea came to be when passages such as Exod. 19:11, 17, 18, 23, 24 specifically state that Moses spoke with Hashem or that He spoke to Moses. Verses 19, 20 , 21 only allude to the very strong possibility, but none of those verses say a thing about angels. And Exod. 20:21 leaves absolutely no doubt, that oneo says that Moses drew near to the dark cloud where the Lord was.
    I understand the part about ‘no man has seen the face of God and lived’ but wouldn’t it be more scriptural to think possibly Hashem made an exception instead of inventing some other kind of story that totally changes so many passages that are in the Torah proper? Don’t we base the rest of scripture and the NT on their foundation, Torah?
    Sorry, for all the questions. I’ve got lots of them and just can’t seem to find the funds needed to get to BT on Shabbat….


  2. by Cheri

    On December 16, 2012

    It’s me again,
    Embarrassed. I missed some of this teaching the first time through. You answered my questions. Sometimes it takes more than one listening for me to catch things……

    And this teaching was definitely worth a second run-thru, maybe even a third!
    Thank you so much for the work you do! I’m so proud to be a part of this wonderful family, even if I am physically absent.

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