John 1 Part 4

Join Beth Tikkun as we study the book of John.

This teaching’s study Resources:
  • This resources does not have visual supplements

Categories Apostolic Writings, Gospel of John, Media | Tags: | Posted on March 21, 2002

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  1. by Tracey

    On March 11, 2017

    Hi Grant
    Thank you so much for these wonderful teachings…I am just blown away at how incredibly beautiful the Word of God and the scriptures are, all the layers and intricacies, and how it all starts to come together!
    I would really love to see the supplements – in particular YHWH’s name that you spoke about as well as the word for Life (man yoked to Yeshua led by the Spirit) and when it is inverted – the candle.
    Is there anyway you could perhaps email this to me please?
    By the way, I attended your Hebrew alphabet seminar last year in Cape Town :0) What an amazing time that was too!
    Bless you,

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 14, 2017

    Dear Tracey, Thank you for your kind words concerning the teaching. And, yes, that was a great time together in Cape Town at the Hebrew class. I would love to do that again now that we know how to make the iPad show up on the big screen! I apologize that the visuals for the Gospel of John series did not make it onto the website. They were up originally, but when we changed everything over to our new server they all got erased. Without going back and listening to the teaching again, I am not sure which visual you are requesting concerning God’s NAME. However, here is a link to the word for ‘life’. You can see the candle in the white space of the first letter. Hope this helps! Shalom, Grant

  3. by Tracey

    On March 18, 2017

    Yes it would be wonderful to have you back!
    Thanks a mill for the “life” link, i’ll have to go back and listen to the teaching again to remember the part specific to YHWH’s name and will let you know.
    Have a very blessed Shabbat, Tracey

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