Messianic Hanukkah Celebration

The link below will allow you to download a brochure to help you celebrate Hanukkah in your home. It will provide some background to the holiday, instructions for lighting your menorah, and a devotional passage and question to discuss each night of the festival.

May God richly bless each one of you as you dedicate yourselves to walk slower with Him during this festival of light.

Brochure: A Messianic Hanukkah Celebration

Categories Articles | Tags: | Posted on December 6, 2015

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  1. by Neal Steiner

    On December 5, 2017

    What resource would be good to reference to learn how to observe the Appointed Days?

    I see some instruction in scripture, but understand many traditions accompany these days. I am interesting in understanding how to observe these days properly and know what is commanded vs what is tradition. I would also like to know the history and meaning behind the traditions.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On December 6, 2017

    Neal, There are several excellent resources that address your question, so, here are a few of my favorites. The Feasts of the Lord: God’s Prophetic Calendar from Calvary to the Kingdom (by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal) is a very user-friendly resource that addresses the moedim from a messianic perspective. But, if you want an extremely thorough treatment of the subject from an orthodox Jewish viewpoint, there is nothing better than the 3-volume set The Book of Our Heritage (Feldheim Publishers). Just remember that with any orthodox material, one must eat the meat and spit out the bones. With that said, I must advise that apart from the small amount of information contained in the Torah, there is no “right way” to observe each holy day. Even within the Jewish community, there is a broad spectrum of tradition, and you are invited to develop your own family traditions. However, I find that the ancient Jewish customs are both beautiful and meaningful. Also, I want to avoid giving offense to our Jewish brothers and sisters by spurning their long-held customs. So, the balance is to obey the Torah by keeping the moedim, while also honoring Messiah in each one, yet without tossing aside the ancient traditions that adorn these commandments. I realize that all this can be a bit confusing, so let me emphasize this — these holy days are something that are meant to bring great joy and depth into our walk with God, and there is plenty of room within each of these holy days to grow and develop in our observance of them. It is like learning to play an instrument. No one cares if you hit some wrong notes as long as you keep at it! And when you approach each holy day with anticipation, you will sense a smile on God’s face. Shalom & Blessings, Grant

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