Q&A 2017 (Part 1)

Join Beth Tikkun as we take the occasional opportunity to field questions from the congregation. In this Q&A session we address the question, what exactly is the Gospel? What are the differences between the Gospel of the Kingdom (proclaimed by John, Yeshua, and the disciples) and the Gospel of Grace (proclaimed by Paul)? We also address the question regarding recognition in the World to Come.

Visuals: Q&A 2017 (Pt-1)

Medios Visuales: Q&A 2017 Parte 1

Categories Media, Special Teachings | Tags: , , , | Posted on May 21, 2017

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  1. by Ellen DE Winnaar

    On May 31, 2017

    May I ask a question also? In SA when someone dies cremation is the first option because our cemeteries are not well looked after. What would you say about cremation vs burial?

  2. by Victoria Nappi

    On June 6, 2017

    This was truly a wonderful teaching… I am thankful that I “stumbled ” upon this congregation… I will try to get back for another visit soon but until then I will be listening/learning online. God Bless and to him be the Glory!

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