Re’eh 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Re’eh 5772: Deuteronomy 12-16.

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Categories Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary | Tags: , , | Posted on August 19, 2012

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  1. by Hugo Hernandez

    On August 31, 2012

    Shalom rav or pastor! Your teachings are a blessing and very interesting, may Adonay bless you and keep you. Thank you for doing these teachings. Shalom

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On September 2, 2012

    Dear Hugo,

    Thank you so much for your complimentary and encouraging email. What a joy to know that the teachings at Beth Tikkun are a blessing to others. And may Adonai bless you richly as well!

    Grant Luton

  3. by Jan Dickerman

    On September 1, 2016

    Disappointed could not get Re’eh teaching. It started then quit. Do you have another place where I could get the Torah teachings. Also do you have updated teachings available as well
    I look forward to your teachings as they always have deeper insight with the Hebrew meaning.
    Blessings to you and your group.
    Shalom, Jan

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On September 4, 2016

    Dear Jan, So sorry you are having difficulties with the Re’eh audio. But, I have checked everything at this end and it is working fine. So, I suggest you hit the refresh button and give it another try. Let me know if the difficulties persist.

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