Shoftim 2018-19 – Brad Moore

We have a special treat for this year’s parshah Shoftim teaching as one of our members, Brad Moore, brings us a great many helpful reminders and life applications drawn from the portion. A few topics include what it means to appoint judges and officers within ourselves, how King Solomon got off track regarding the 3 prohibitions for Israelite kings, and 4 kinds of men spared from the battle and told to return home. At the end of the teaching, Brad discusses dealing with anxiety and practical tips for overcoming it.

Visuals: Shoftim 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Shoftim 2018-19.pdf

1 Comment

  1. by Donna Irwin

    On September 24, 2019

    Brad, what a powerful message in so many ways to me. I am a nurse and totally “get” the exhaustion and insanity we work in.
    Your last comments about a baby….I have been hearing from God regarding my voice. Standing where He has placed me and speaking His love into “my world” Just standing and showing, giving, being His love in “my world” II felt His presence enfold me in your final statement about cooing, babbling and crying. He just needs my voice.
    So, I will not fight, worry, control. I release my voice and life to Him that created me for His purpose.
    Thanks for saying yes one more time.

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