Studies in Ecclesiastes – Part 3 – Interlude

In this “interlude” in the study of our text, we take a moment to examine a vital contrasting picture to Solomon’s confined worldview expressed in Ecclesiastes. Using Revelation 21 as our main study passage, we lay John’s soaring vision of the future New Jerusalem next to Solomon’s earth-bound portrait of reality. The Revelation New Jerusalem description stands tall in Scripture as one of the most tangible expressions of the the marriage of the trascendent with the earthly which is the goal toward which this world inexorably moves and is the ongoing movement of our lives right now.

Visuals: Studies in Ecclesiastes 3.pdf

Medios Visuales: Estudios de Eclesiastés 3.pdf

Categories Ecclesiastes, Media, Tanakh | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on July 15, 2018

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