The Messianic Life

In today’s Q&A teaching, we address three questions on the following topics: 1) differences between the Messianic and Evangelical followings of Yeshua, 2) the Jerusalem Council’s four essentials for Gentile believers, 3) the commandment to stone an adulterous woman (Deu 22). Video:  Vimeo |  YouTube To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save. Visuals: […]

June 7, 2020 in Media, Q&A by


Shemini 2018-19

We tackle two main topics in this year’s portion Shemini teaching: the mysterious deaths of Nadav and Avihu and God’s dietary laws. In the first part of the teaching, we answer the question of why it is that Nadav and Avihu are struck dead by God when another pair of Aaron’s sons, Elazar and Itamar, […]

March 31, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by


Acts of the Apostles 15

Join Beth Tikkun as we study the Acts of the Apostles chapter 15. This teaching’s study Resources: Issue of Gentiles in Acts 15 Yard Nomian Law of Moses

March 21, 2011 in Acts of the Apostles, Apostolic Writings, Media by

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.