Q&A 2 – Fall 2020

In this second Q&A teaching for fall 2020, we tackle two important questions:               1) What are the biblical covenants, and how do they build on each other?               2) Is there a connection between the Friday evening Sabbath blessings and the Christian communion?  Is […]

November 15, 2020 in Media, Q&A, Special Teachings by

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The Messianic Life

In today’s Q&A teaching, we address three questions on the following topics: 1) differences between the Messianic and Evangelical followings of Yeshua, 2) the Jerusalem Council’s four essentials for Gentile believers, 3) the commandment to stone an adulterous woman (Deu 22). Video:  Vimeo |  YouTube To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save. Visuals: […]

June 7, 2020 in Media, Q&A by


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Prayer Time: 9:30 am

Morning Study: 11:00 am

Afternoon Oneg: 12:00 pm

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.