We start out this cycle’s parsha Vayishlach teaching by “putting our glasses back on,” reading through a passage in Isaiah that has the ability to powerfully re-center us. From that place of reset, we examine Jacob’s wrestlings with Esau and with God. As a final point, we ponder the curious fact that though Jacob’s name […]
November 19, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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As we begin this cycle’s teaching on portion Ve’etchanan, we examine the four ways we can mistreat God’s Word. We then look briefly at the “fish bowl” that tiny Israel is meant to be as a trading crossroads and the priestly nation. Finally, we spend the majority of the teaching focused on an intriguing and […]
August 18, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun