Genesis 37b

Continuing the Torah Project teachings in Genesis 37, we begin by looking in depth at the amazing figure of Joseph, one of the clearest pictures of Messiah in all of Scripture. We start by examining the Hebrew word describing Joseph’s colorful coat, “passim,” finding in it both a reference to the Messiah and an allusion […]

October 22, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by


Yitro 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Yitro 5772: Exodus 18 – 20. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources: Balance

February 13, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by


Beshalach 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Beshalch 5772: Exodus 13b-17. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources: The Sum of All Fears Spiritual Warfare on two Fronts Supports the Fallen

February 5, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by


Bo 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Bo: Exodus 10 – 13. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources: Donkey Loaded With Books 7th Plague Lamb or a Kid

January 29, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by


Va’era 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Vayera: Exodus 6 – 9. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources:  (No supplemental resources)

January 22, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by

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Shemot 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Shemot: Exodus 1 – 5. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources:  Shaddai

January 15, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by

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Vayechi 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshat Vayechi: Genesis 48 – 50. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources:  Ephraim & Manasseh

January 8, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by

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