Emor 2018-19

In Torah portion Emor, we focus on the 12 disqualifying blemishes that preclude priests from bringing sacrifices at the Temple. We can approach these disqualifications as a kind of checklist for ourselves as we examine our own walks with Adonai since even those who are not of the Levitical line may be priests in the […]

May 19, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by

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Genesis 41a and Hanukkah

The heart of this Torah project teaching is the question “Can we survive as believers in such a fallen world where society is ever more quickly sliding into darkness?” In pursuit of an answer, we look in detail at the family God gives Joseph in Egypt: his wife Asenath, her father the Egyptian priest of […]

December 3, 2017 in Genesis, Media, The Moedim, Torah Project by

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