David focuses on the month of Elul, repentance, the vast harm done by immoral legislation, and how the Body of Messiah is built. Shoftim 2023: Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and save. Parsha Outline: Spiritual Seasons-Shoftim-Outline.pdf
August 17, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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We focus on gifts in this week’s teaching – body, soul, and spirit. Before we get there, however, we address the section on head coverings from chapter 11, learning little-taught history regarding head coverings for Romans, Greeks, and Jews in ancient Rome. Video: Vimeo | YouTube To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save. […]
February 26, 2021 in 1 Corinthians, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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