Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our Torah Project series. In this lesson, we conclude our discussion of Hagar & Sarah and Ishmael & Isaac as we analyze Paul’s comments on this story in Galatians 4:21-31. This often misunderstood passage draws from the imagery of Genesis 21 to teach some important insights into what kind of relationship we […]
April 23, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our Torah Project series. In this lesson, we analyze this very odd, short chapter where everyone seems to be behaving badly. However, there are many profound lessons contained in these verses. Visuals: Genesis 16 Medios Visuales: Gén 16
January 22, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we study Genesis 16 – 17. This teaching’s study Resources: Ishmael Circumcision
March 7, 2009 in Genesis, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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