What is the root message of Jacob’s dream of the ladder? What are the deeper purposes behind Jacob’s struggles with Esau and Laban? In answering these questions, we dig to the root of God’s purposes for our entire physical context, including the pain we experience here. In our exploring, we examine four “beholds” in the […]
November 12, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022) by Beth Tikkun
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This second teaching on the book of Ecclesiastes begins with an outline for chapters 4-6. We go on to take a closer look at a few of the many topics in these chapters which continue to demonstrate the “merely” physical life. In the second half of the teaching, we step away from Ecclesiastes to look […]
July 9, 2018 in Ecclesiastes, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our Torah Project series. In this lesson, we consider Jacob’s dual mission to Padan Aaram and how this reflects Messiah’s dual mission to the world. Then, we discuss the ladder Jacob saw in his dream and how it is significant for us. And, what is “the blessing of Abraham”? Last, we discover a vital […]
July 2, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by Beth Tikkun
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