Steve Meeks: Praying the Tabernacle

Steve Meeks brings us a special teaching this week on the topic of “praying the tabernacle.” Steve outlines a prayer approach that helps to add variety, comprehensiveness, richness, and length to our prayer lives with the goals of deepening our relationship with the Father and being an instrument in effecting His will. Video:  Vimeo |  […]

June 28, 2020 in Media, Special Teachings by


Haf. Korach (1 Samuel 11:14-12:22)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In the first half of the study we review Parshah Korach (Numbers 16-18) and in the second half we study the Haftorah portion. These two passages provide an honest and stark picture of our extraordinary blindness to God’s […]

June 23, 2014 in Haftarah Portion, Media by


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Weekly Shabbat Services

Prayer Time: 9:30 am

Morning Study: 11:00 am

Afternoon Oneg: 12:00 pm

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.