Q&A 2 – Fall 2020

In this second Q&A teaching for fall 2020, we tackle two important questions:               1) What are the biblical covenants, and how do they build on each other?               2) Is there a connection between the Friday evening Sabbath blessings and the Christian communion?  Is […]

November 15, 2020 in Media, Q&A, Special Teachings by

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Vayakhel 2018-19

We begin this year’s teaching on Parshah Vayakhel by finding in the parshah title man’s audacious attempt to separate Jews and Gentiles by splitting the Scriptures into two separate “covenants,” the “old” and the “new.” We then compare the two sets of tablets, asking what the two could represent. Moving on, we ask why it […]

March 3, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by


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Weekly Shabbat Services

Prayer Time: 9:30 am

Morning Study: 11:00 am

Afternoon Oneg: 12:00 pm

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.