In this year’s Emor teaching, David first quickly reviews recent Torah portions using the portion titles. He then discusses the “holiness code” section of Leviticus before turning to Emor, placing the portion in the flow of the calendar. Topics here include education, the mo’edim, and what Yeshua’s post-resurrection actions teach us about the Counting of […]
May 4, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Tim focuses us on several topics in these final chapters of Joshua: Israel’s growing understanding of community, the necessity to stay in the Torah, and Joshua’s final instruction—”Choose which god you will serve.” In the parsha teaching, David dives into “living in the commandments” and the commandments regarding fruit trees. Joshua 22-24 […]
April 27, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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Tim focuses the Joshua 20-21 teaching on the 6 cities of refuge, first understanding how they functioned, then making a spiritual application. In this year’s Tazria-Metzora teaching, David discusses ritual impurity, why giving birth renders a woman impure, the month of Iyar, and lashon hara. Joshua 20-21 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Tazria-Metzora […]
April 20, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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Tim, drawing from a teaching of Grant’s, walks through the “spiritual geography” of the land of Israel with the help of a graphic he created (download the graphic below). In the parsha teaching, David focuses the topics of the numbers “7” and “8,” working on the nephesh during the Omer, and “misplaced zeal.” […]
April 14, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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How do the three topics of Shemini – Aaron beginning the Tabernacle service, the deaths of his two sons, and the food laws – fit into the spiritual calendar? Topics in this year’s Shemini teaching include the numbers “7” and “8,” working on the nephesh during the Omer, and “misplaced zeal.” Shemini 2023 (David): Vimeo | YouTube […]
April 13, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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