Boaz – The Kinsman Redeemer

In this special Shavuot teaching, we examine the wonderful ways Boaz pictures our own Kinsman Redeemer – Yeshua. Video:  Vimeo | YouTube To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save. Visuals: Boaz-Kinsman Redeemer.pdf Medios Visuales: Booz-El Paríente Redentor.pdf

May 21, 2021 in Media, Special Teachings, The Moedim by

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Ephesians 1

This week we begin a new book of the Bible, Ephesians, sometimes referred to as the “Alps” of the Apostolic Scriptures. As we open this lofty Pauline letter written from prison, we first take some time to clarify several important terms, including “apostle,” “Christ,” and “mystery.” After setting this foundation, we refresh the vital but […]

November 17, 2019 in Apostolic Writings, Ephesians, Media by


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Prayer Time: 9:30 am

Morning Study: 11:00 am

Afternoon Oneg: 12:00 pm

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.