Vayishlach 2021

We start out this cycle’s parsha Vayishlach teaching by “putting our glasses back on,” reading through a passage in Isaiah that has the ability to powerfully re-center us. From that place of reset, we examine Jacob’s wrestlings with Esau and with God. As a final point, we ponder the curious fact that though Jacob’s name […]

November 19, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by

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Vayishlach 2018-19

At the end of Jacob’s wrestling match in portion Vayishlach, God changes his name to “Israel.” Why, then, does the Torah often continue to call him “Jacob”? In this week’s teaching, we talk about this question and discuss 6 important principles gleaned from this patriarch’s famous contest with the God of the universe. Visuals: Vayishlach […]

November 25, 2018 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by


Genesis 32b-33a

Continuing the Torah Project in Genesis, we focus on Jacob’s seemingly mysterious wrestling match at the stream called “Jabbok,” allowing the Torah to cast light on the fear and stress we all struggle against. With a special focus on 2 Corinthians 1-3, Mark 14, and Watchman Nee’s short book The Release of the Spirit, we look at what it […]

August 20, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by

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771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.