Vayeitzei – Steve Meeks

In this special teaching on parshah Vayeitzei, Steve Meeks explores Jacob’s journey to Haran and back. As he does so, Steve speaks to paths on our own journeys in life. Join us as Steve draws lessons from the leave-takings of Beer Sheva, the fearsome vision at Bethel, and the exhausting work of Haran. In the end, Steve encourages us to follow in Jacob’s steps when we are confronted with the great challenges of life.

Categories Media, Torah Commentary | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Posted on December 8, 2019

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  1. by Sharon Stern

    On December 14, 2019

    First of all, welcome to Beth Tikkun. We have all been awaiting you and your family’s arrival as this precious group of disciples of the Master come together to lift each other up, encourage one another, grow and learn together. Please provide your visual materials – I want to print out in particular the map of Yaakov’s journeys as he prophetically is exiled from the land and then is regathered 20 years later. Thank you for brilliantly pointing out to me something I realized on the surface but had not sunk into my heart — the intersecting point of both places was Beth-El — the house of HaShem and amazing and deeply spiritual realizations and maturity were gained from those experiences. In both encounters, Yaakov was in great fear and perceived danger and was totally alone. He had serious problems to work out. Reminds me of the metaphor of the wilderness – where we are away from the distractions of the world and we finally hear the still small voice of HaShem. However, it wasn’t so quiet there in his 2 encounters! You have given me a powerful word picture and road map for my ‘journeys’ especially with problems in life to remember that there is this special place where I must go and meet with my Father and have an encounter with Him that will do what is usually needed in my life when there are problems especially with other people — to change and correct me first before I can find a solution with a problem with another. Todah rabah!!!!

  2. by Sylvia Venter

    On December 23, 2019

    My heart testifies with Sharon Stern’s comment.
    Would love to receive the visual materials from Steve Meeks.
    Today Rabat
    Sylvia VENTER
    South Africa

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On December 23, 2019

    Thank you, Sylvia. I will be sure to have Steve’s notes added to the website. Also, I will pass on you message to Sharon. Shalom!

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