Ve’etchanan 2018-19

As we begin this cycle’s teaching on portion Ve’etchanan, we examine the four ways we can mistreat God’s Word. We then look briefly at the “fish bowl” that tiny Israel is meant to be as a trading crossroads and the priestly nation. Finally, we spend the majority of the teaching focused on an intriguing and insightful difference in the 10 commandments as they occur in Exodus and Deuteronomy.

Visuals: Ve’etchanan 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Vaetjanán 2018-19.pdf


  1. by Albert Visser

    On August 23, 2019

    Hi Grant I had this thought some time ago and maybe it will add some insight. We as humans only have Past tense and future tense but the present is very small. When you say pre sent Pre is on the past. If we say that God is the same and he knows everything even before I was born he knew about me. Then by definition God does not have a past or a future which means he has only present. So we are experiencing a small fraction of present and God is only present. We cannot even comprehend what that means

  2. by Heather Gibson

    On July 26, 2020

    Grant: Only Mark’s gospel (12:28 – 34) included the shema in Yeshua’s answer to which is the greatest commandment. I compared the accounts in each gospel, and while there’s a common theme, each brings out a little something different but no less important than the other. I know that each writer stressed different things, and these points are apparent, but I’m still curious as to why Mark included the shema. Any further insight? Thanks, Heather

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On July 26, 2020

    Heather, I wish I could be more helpful, but I cannot account for the many subtle differences between the Gospel accounts. Each one provides bits and pieces that the others don’t. But, I guess we can learn one thing from this: each of us has out own piece of the puzzle that God has given us to contribute to the whole, thus we must all learn to embrace the insights that are shared across the body of Messiah. No one person has the entire picture. Shalom! Grant

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