Keeping Your Cool While Walking Through Fire

This week we again step away from our study in Corinthians for a teaching focused on the times, both the growth stage of the Beth Tikkun community and the dark days the world is entering. To begin, we look at God’s use of spiritual templates that express themselves in multiple ways in the physical world. The focus of the teaching is the short prophetic book of Haggai, a unique book that reveals something of the spiritual template Beth Tikkun finds itself living out in this season.

Video:  Vimeo | YouTube

To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save.

Visuals: Keeping Your Cool.pdf

Medios Visuales: Mantener la Calma.pdf

Categories Ezra-Nehemiah, Media, Special Teachings, Tanakh | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Posted on January 10, 2021

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  1. by Lou Roos

    On January 11, 2021

    My precious Brother, you bless us again and again and again.

  2. by Val coulthard

    On January 14, 2021

    What a blessing and a joy to listen to this teaching, a light in the darkness, thankyou
    Abba bless, guard and keep you and your community. I send my love from Brentwood, Essex, UK

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On February 2, 2021

    Thank you, Val, for the kind words. It is always a thrill to hear from listeners in our adopted home – England. Shalom & Blessings, Grant

  4. by David Russell

    On January 19, 2021

    Grant, this is a great encouraging message on how to face the days ahead, and also dedicate ourselves daily to be light in our world. Thanks!

  5. by Roger H.

    On January 24, 2021

    Hey there young Grant. Thanks Brother.

  6. by Past. Dolla Mathee

    On January 25, 2021

    Shalom Grant, what a privilege to listen to you again, longtime since you stayed with us in Krugersdorp. Got hold of your revised In His Own Words. Such a blessing. Keep up the good work friend!!

  7. by L. Grant Luton

    On February 2, 2021

    Dear Dolla, So good to hear from you! Thank you for the kind words. Shalom!

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