Ephesians 1

This week we begin a new book of the Bible, Ephesians, sometimes referred to as the “Alps” of the Apostolic Scriptures. As we open this lofty Pauline letter written from prison, we first take some time to clarify several important terms, including “apostle,” “Christ,” and “mystery.” After setting this foundation, we refresh the vital but […]

November 17, 2019 in Apostolic Writings, Ephesians, Media by


Genesis 24

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we analyze the mission Abraham entrusted to his servant Eliezer to find a bride for Isaac, and we explore the amazing parallels between this story and the holy spirit’s search for a bride for Yeshua. Then, we examine the relationship between chapter 23 and 24 and […]

May 14, 2017 in Genesis, Media, Torah Project by


Lessons in Jewish Prayer (Part 1)

This is the first of a series of teachings that will be presented at random times concerning the richness of the ancient prayers of Israel. These are prayers that would have been familiar to the first-century believers (and referred to in Acts 2:42). This lesson discusses what the Hebrew word tefillah means, and how biblical prayer has very […]

February 26, 2017 in Media, Special Teachings by


Bemidbar 5772

Join Beth Tikkun as we study Parshah Bemidbar 5772: Numbers 1-4a. Video:  Vimeo  |  YouTube This teaching’s study Resources: The Two Redemptions Ark Errors

May 26, 2012 in Media, Torah 5772 (2011 - 2012), Torah Commentary by


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Prayer Time: 9:30 am

Morning Study: 11:00 am

Afternoon Oneg: 12:00 pm

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Southeast Church of the Nazarene
771 Dunbar Road
Talmadge, OH 44278.