Why does the Torah wait until the drowning of the Egyptian army to announce that Israel was saved? Why not make this announcement at the moment of the Passover? We tackle this question in this year’s Beshalach teaching. Other topics include insights from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks regarding three Torah illustrations of maturing in God, […]
January 14, 2022 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun for this cycle’s parshah Chukat teaching. We begin the teaching by exploring the question of what the two Amorite kings conquered under Moses east of the Jordan, Sihon and Og, represent in our own lives. Other topics in this teaching include four animals that picture Messiah – the lamb, goat, copper serpent, and […]
July 14, 2019 in Media, Torah 5779, Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun