In this week’s teaching, David addresses the Three Weeks of mourning and their connection to parsha Pinchas; he draws out from the portion lessons for properly handling the emotions; and he makes a connection to Yeshua via the anomalous sacrifices offered at Sukkot. Pinchas 2023 (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and […]
July 6, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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This week, Tim brings insights from Joshua 13-14, and in the parsha teaching, David focuses on the Temple’s ability to unite people, the dangers of reducing people to labels, dealing with depression, and Yeshua as our Judge. Joshua 13-14 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Vayakhel-Pekudei & Joshua 13-14 (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, […]
March 16, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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We begin exploring portion Va’Etchanan by looking at a foundational “three-stranded cord” woven throughout the Scriptures, three strands we find in this portion. In the main body of the teaching, we ask, “Did the church really start with the Apostles?” In answering that question, we look to the other structures God indwells as He does […]
July 23, 2021 in Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul’s exasperation comes through as 12 questions in 20 verses. Topics in this teaching include the holy people as judges of both the world and angels, what it means to be in God’s kingdom, strength against temptation through mindfulness of identity, and the often misunderstood verse 12 about “all things” being […]
December 20, 2020 in 1 Corinthians, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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An early question in Nehemiah chapters 11-12 is, “Why are 10 tribes almost missing from the list of Jerusalem’s residents?” After exploring this question, we draw out a few gems from the many names listed in these chapters, including an important principle drawn from the name “Zerubabel” about relating to paganism. Other topics include more […]
October 18, 2020 in Ezra-Nehemiah, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
Join us for this fourth Q&A of 2020. Questions addressed include: Are we Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Trib? Why does Yeshua call Himself “The Son of Man?” Will the Temple be rebuilt? Video: Vimeo | YouTube To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save. Visuals: Rapture and End Time Events.pdf Medios Visuales: Arrebatamiento y los […]
July 7, 2020 in Media, Q&A by Beth Tikkun
With a bit of editing, we have managed to recover the Yom Kippur 2018 teaching from a less-than-ideal recording. Join us as we explore the intricate movements of the High Priest on this holiest day of the biblical calendar. Visuals: no visuals
September 23, 2018 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
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The Torah describes a detailed and lengthy Yom Kippur Temple/Tabernacle service. The High Priest must take great care to carry out the required steps with precision. As is our tradition at Beth Tikkun, for our Yom Kippur teaching, we examine in detail the High Priest’s many movements and activities on this special day inside the […]
October 1, 2017 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
Join Beth Tikkun for a teaching on the uniquely sorrowful day of Tishah B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av. Adam Haynes relates some of the dark history of this day, while Brian Chima brings insights from the structure of the book of Lamentations and makes connections to the Messiah, emphasizing Yeshua’s relationship to the […]
July 23, 2017 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as we review the details of the High Priest’s duties in the Temple on Yom Kippur. We compare Passover with Yom Kippur and discover how they form a menorah pattern that provides a picture of Messiah’s work of redemption and salvation for the world. Due to copyright restrictions, the images used during […]
September 15, 2013 in Media, The Moedim by Beth Tikkun
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