This week we return to the topic of masculinity and femininity as we continue our study in 1 Timothy. Initially, we look at 4 facets of prayer and praying for the government. Regarding men and women, we explore the role of women, the woman’s power, and clothing as a picture frame for the soul. We […]
January 26, 2020 in 1 Timothy, Apostolic Writings, Media by Beth Tikkun
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As we study Ephesians chapter 5 this week, we begin with the question, “What does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit by which we are sealed?” This question leads us to a discussion of circumcision. Other main topics in this teaching include the 5 mentions of light in Ephesians and submission within marriage. Video: Vimeo […]
December 22, 2019 in Apostolic Writings, Ephesians, Media by David Deikun
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