David begins with an insight from Nitzavim that speaks to the 7th month as both the ending of one journey and the beginning of another. Other topics include the great unity of Rosh Hashanah, the senseless walls we build between ourselves, Moses as an example for how we take the light into the darkness, and […]
September 7, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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This week, Tim brings insights from Joshua 13-14, and in the parsha teaching, David focuses on the Temple’s ability to unite people, the dangers of reducing people to labels, dealing with depression, and Yeshua as our Judge. Joshua 13-14 (Tim): Vimeo | YouTube Vayakhel-Pekudei & Joshua 13-14 (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, […]
March 16, 2023 in Joshua 2022-2023, Media, Tanakh by Beth Tikkun
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In parsha Beshalach, David explores the sending out of missionaries, the need to know when to get moving, leaps of faith, the great power God makes available to us, unity through song, and Tu BiSh’vat (the new year for trees). Beshalach (David): Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and save. Parsha […]
February 2, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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Join Beth Tikkun as member Nate Gurnish brings a teaching on a central character in the biblical narrative – Joshua. Nate begins by taking us through the first appearances of Joshua in the biblical text. He moves on to selected topics from the first several chapters of the book of Joshua, including a focus on […]
November 10, 2019 in Media, Special Teachings by Beth Tikkun
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