David focuses on the month of Elul, repentance, the vast harm done by immoral legislation, and how the Body of Messiah is built. Shoftim 2023: Vimeo | YouTube To download resources, right-click the PDF file and save. Parsha Outline: Spiritual Seasons-Shoftim-Outline.pdf
August 17, 2023 in Media, Torah 5783 (2022 - 2023), Torah Commentary by Beth Tikkun
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In this third Q&A teaching for 2020, we address the question, “What translation of the Bible do you use?” In the process of answering that question, we explore how it is that every Bible translation is a commentary. We also look at the main sections of the Bible, putting the Greek Scriptures into the context of […]
June 21, 2020 in Media, Q&A by Beth Tikkun