Bechukotai 2018-19

Join Beth Tikkun as we explore parshah Bechukotai. Our focus for this final portion in Leviticus is the menorah pattern – in Leviticus, the Torah, and the Scriptures in general. Our explorations bring us to the single chapter of Leviticus that stands at the very center of the Torah.

Visuals: Bechukotai 2018-19.pdf

Medios Visuales: Bejukotai 2018-19.pdf

Categories Media | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Posted on June 2, 2019

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  1. by Dane Kappler

    On June 3, 2019

    Can we pre-order your book? Where and how do we do that?

    In 15 years of listening to you, I have only heard you once speak of your other book, “In His Own Words”. I had a buddy of mine read it and found it great, but at the time I didn’t know you wrote anything. I ordered it and really enjoyed it, though I still look forward to reading the newer edition of it.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On June 4, 2019

    Thanks, Dane. This new book is long overdue and I hope to have it in print before the end or the month. So, you can watch for it on Amazon soon. It will be entitled, “Setting the Stage: Messianic Insights into Genesis – Volume 1”. Shalom!

  3. by Susan Brown

    On June 4, 2019

    Can you please give me the name of the
    Lady David quoted that he watches on you tube .I couldn’t quite understand him.
    Thank you for this teaching it was simply
    Amazing .and also can we preorder your newest book coming up .
    Baruch HaShem
    kindness Matters

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On June 4, 2019

    Susan, The teacher to whom David referred on Shabbat is Holissa Alewine, who teaches the “Creation Gospel” approach to Scripture.( As to my upcoming Genesis commentary, I’m afraid that it cannot be preordered, but it should appear on Amazon sometime this month. Shalom! Grant

  5. by David Johnson

    On June 7, 2019

    Grant, Grant, Grant. I love following your teachings but I must express sadness over a part of this teaching.

    You mentioned that the man was put to death for “pronouncing” God’s name and that the only time the Name was to be spoken was by the high priest on yom Kippur. Lev 24 clearly shows the man blasphemed the name and cursed God, not just pronounced it.

    God’s name is the most commonly “pronounced” word in all of the tanach. (Disregarding conjunctions and the like).
    Scripture records God’s name was pronounced by all types of people. Male/female, Jew/gentile, king/servant, and everyone in between, in every kind of situation without a hint of displeasure from God.

    God’s name was commonly used until the “inter-testamental period. It was man who restricted then forbade its pronunciation, not God.
    I understand your respecting the Jewish tradition but please remain true to scripture in your teaching.
    Thank you for serving and may God bless you

  6. by L. Grant Luton

    On June 9, 2019

    David, Thanks for your email. Really, I mean that! I figured I would catch some flak for my comment, so thanks for being such a sharp listener.
    I do not doubt that people did pronounce God’s name in the Tanach, but there are a number of important caveats concerning these appearances. So, let’s consider a few things before you break out the torches and pitchforks. Gods named (yud-hei-vav-hei) appears a little over 6,000 times in the Tanach. A fourth of those are in the Torah, alone. The vast majority of those appearances are not a case of someone speaking God’s name, but its being written (“And Adonai said…”, etc.) Moses uses God’s name vocally more than anyone, but I give him a pass since He also talks to God face to face, and until Yeshua came, no one had a relationship with God like Moses had. But, even in those places where it appears that people did speak God’s name aloud (and I don’t argue that they didn’t), we must realize that we are reading of these from a printed page. This is important to realize. In my own case, though I am careful not to pronounce the Tetragrammaton aloud, I find myself writing it frequently! (I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times God’s four-letter name appears in the Genesis commentary I am working on, but it’s way up there.)
    But let’s get to the specifics of the Leviticus 24 passage. Here is what it literally says, “The son of the Israelite woman pronounced (נקב, nakav) the name and cursed (קלל, kalal).” (Lev.24:11) The Hebrew word nakav never means “blaspheme”, though though some translations do mistakenly render it this way. It means “to pronounce” or “to designate by name”. (Gen.30:28 / Num.1:17 / 1 Chron. 12:31 are a few examples.) There are two other words for ‘blaspheme’, but they are not used the Leviticus passage. Now, verses 15-16 get really interesting. Here is the literal translation: “You shall speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘If anyone curses (kalal) his God, then he will bear his sin. Moreover, the one who pronounces (nakav) the name of Adonai shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he pronounces (nakav) the Name, shall be put to death.'” No matter how you slice or dice it, that is the translation. So, if in my teaching I tapped the brakes a bit concerning pronunciation of God’s name, I am just trying to bring some balance to its frivolous overuse. Additionally, we have the example of Yeshua. Though He most likely did use God’s name in prayer, we have no record in the Gospels of Him ever pronouncing God’s name aloud.
    The bottomline is, I can’t explain the times that it appears that people probably did pronounce God’s name aloud, we have plenty of warning NOT to do so. I hope this explains my take on the matter. And thank you again for your email. Shalom! Grant

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