Colossians 1a

Join Beth Tikkun as we begin our study in Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In this first study we ask the question ‘What does God look like?’ Paul gives us some surprising mental and theological pictures that will provide a framework that will help the reader to better comprehend the essence of the King of the Universe and to better see ourselves as made in His image.

Visuals: Colossians 1a

Categories Apostolic Writings, Colossians, Media | Tags: , , | Posted on April 17, 2016

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On May 1, 2016

    My system doesn’t want to add BT to podcasts or itunes. Why? Do others have this problem?
    And I’m wondering if the visuals, the diagram with notes, can be consolidated to one printable page.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On May 8, 2016

    Dear Charlotte, Hhmmm… I’m not sure why you are having difficulty accessing the podcasts. Maybe someone else can address this? But as to printing out the visuals so there are multiple pages per sheet, that can be done when you go to print them. When you hit CONTROL + P on your keyboard, you should get a dialogue box for printing. Do you see a window for “Layout”? And below that another dialogue for “Pages Per Sheet”? That is what you need to click on so that you can print from 2 to 16 pages per sheet. Let me know how it goes.

  3. by Christina Conley

    On April 18, 2017


    I came upon Beth Tikkun teachings online just under two years ago and I have been blessed by the encounter every listen since. Thank you for the integrity with which you handle the word of our Elohim and His son Yeshua. As a result, I have been able to understand or answer many of the ponderings I have had in the pews over the course of my life. The chief one being, “If the ‘Jews’ are God’s chosen people and we say we worship the same God, why do we worship so differently.” I am grateful to continue this journey to and in truth.

    Blessings to you from Dallas, GA.


  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On April 20, 2017

    Thank you, Christina, for your kind and gracious words. I will strive to live up to them! Shalom, Grant L.

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