Eikev 2022 Discussion Guide

Parshah Eikev is filled with warnings and assurances, blessings and curses, all of which is summarized in the second paragraph of the Shema found in 11:13-21. Israel’s fate depends on Israel’s faith. The main topics discussed here are memory, love, education, humility, and gratitude–all within the context of the Land. Here, as in most places, the Land represents the goal, the conclusion, the Spiritual Life. And what do we need in order to enter into and take possession of the Spiritual Life? We need to remember, love, pass down, be humble, and be grateful.

There is no new video this week, but you certainly have plenty to chew on in the discussion guide and related links.

To download visuals, right-click the PDF file and save.

Discussion Guide: EikevĀ 2022-guide.pdf

Categories Media, Torah 5781 (2021-2022), Torah Commentary | Tags: | Posted on August 18, 2022

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