Genesis 17

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we take a close look at the topic of circumcision and gain important insights into what it means. We discover five things in the Bible that require circumcision and gain understanding into Paul’s teachings on the subject. Be prepared to have your thinking changed concerning this most important and unique commandment.

Visuals: Genesis 17

Medios Visuales: Gén 17

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , | Posted on January 29, 2017

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  1. by Gene Brooks

    On February 7, 2017

    Tell me again, Grant, how to find the show notes from your weekly teaching. Thanks.

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On February 9, 2017

    Gene, Sorry for the late response, but we were in Texas for a week and I am just now getting caught up. To access the visuals, go to the AUDIO tab, select one of the series and click on it. When the list of teachings appears, click on one of the links in the lefthand column. This will take you to that teaching’s page where you may then select the link for the visuals. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any difficulties. Shalom! Grant

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