Genesis 1c

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our new series called The Torah Project. This series arose out of Grant’s desire to write a commentary on the Torah, therefore, these teachings will be based upon each week’s progress in the writing project. In this teaching, we consider how the six days of the earth’s restoration also illustrate the stages of a person’s regeneration. These amazing parallels provide great insight in the way God saves a human soul. There are many insights packed into these verses from Genesis 1!

Visuals: Genesis 1c

Medios Visuales: Gén 1c

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , , , , , | Posted on June 5, 2016

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  1. by Leslie Millsap

    On June 7, 2016

    I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit led me to this website. Thank you for sharing the audio recordings of the Torah and the insight God has given you to share. It is a blessing and has enlightened my walk in Yeshua. May God bless you and continue to give you more from His word.

  2. by Al Lundy

    On June 10, 2016

    Grant. Good morning. Please let me know which bible translation you are using. By the way, I donated this morning. Al

  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On June 15, 2016

    Dear Al, I am constantly asked what translation I use, and I fear the answer is not a simple one. It’s kind of funny that among Jewish people no one asks what translation is used as they can all read directly from the Hebrew. I, too, begin with the actual Hebrew (when studying the Tanach) and tweak whatever English translation I am reading from during the teachings to reflect the nuances of the Hebrew. But, when teaching the Torah, I generally use the Artscroll Stone Chumash (again, with a few tweaks). For a good all-around translation, I recommend the New American Standard Bible, and the English Standard Version is a close second. I strongly warn against the KJV and NIV, however. For New Testament studies, in particular, I recommend The Concordant Literal Translation. It’s not very pretty, but it IS accurate! Hope this helps some! Shalom, Grant

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