Genesis 21a

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our  Torah Project series. In this lesson, we consider a word that is a source of controversy in the messianic world though it is used fifteen times in the Tanach (or “Old Testament”). We gain a biblical understanding of the word kabbalah, minus the goofiness pop culture has attached to it. We take a short detour through the world of quantum physics and learn some fascinating connections between the Fine Constant Ratio (1/137) and the Torah. But, the foundation of this teaching is to stir us to pursue a deeper connection with our Creator and Redeemer.

Visuals: Genesis 21a

Medios Visuales: Gén 21a

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , , , | Posted on March 26, 2017

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  1. by walksbyfaith

    On March 29, 2017

    Thank you for providing the study notes as presented to the congregation;
    I have found them most useful. I have a question
    regarding the notes for G21a; is/was there something
    different in their layout or content for this lesson.
    I have downloaded them twice, each copy of page two
    have a page-spanning block of vertical red lines
    covering the written material.
    Subsequent pages are partially or completely obscured
    by solid blue blocks.
    Walks by Faith

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 30, 2017

    So sorry to hear that you are having difficulties viewing the resource materials. I have checked things at this end, and everything appears to be working properly. My suggestion is that you try the ‘Refresh’ button, or, possibly, update your .PDF reader. Have you updated Adobe lately? That could be the problem. Try viewing the page on a different computer and let me know if the problm persists. Shalom! Grant

  3. by Mark Goler

    On April 24, 2022

    Yes! I never forgot this sermon. I’ve been to the service once years ago and never forgot this and got the CD but broke the cd. And all the acquaintance and friend in Christ Adam Haynes just sent me the link here as I had requested. Thank you Adam. Thank you God.

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