Genesis 40

Joseph’s adventure continues with his imprisonment, the second of three consecutive stories in which Joseph is given authority over a domain. In this Torah Project teaching, we take a close look at Joseph’s cellmates, the cupbearer and the baker, finding in them connections to the wine and bread, the blood and the body, the elevated and the earthly. Concluding the teaching, we extend our list of parallels in the lives of Joseph and Messiah.

Visuals: Genesis 40.pdf

Medios Visuales: Gén 40.pdf

Categories Genesis, Media, Torah Project | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Posted on November 26, 2017

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  1. by Lyn Williams

    On December 11, 2017

    Good morning, bro. Grant.

    THANK YOU for everything that you do here. I have gleaned so much from your anointed teachings, and have passed it on in a regular basis.
    I am wondering if you would share with me, once again, your reply to the email about “Christmas”? I agree with you. But as always, you have a wonderful and appropriate way to say the words I’d like to say as well.
    I would love to share it on my Facebook page, since I have Torah Pursuant friends who are new in this walk and are wondering what to do or not to do on this Christmas time with their family and friends. I really don’t want them to do the same mistakes our family did when we were new in the walk. And there are many “Pagan Police” out there who are misinforming them.
    So, would you mind sharing it with me via email? I believe people out there need to read it as a guide for this season.
    Thank you so much, sir. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On December 11, 2017

    Dear Lyn, You are certainly welcome to use my email in your blog. Here it is:

    As to your question concerning Christmas, this is one that I am often asked about as it addresses a point of contention and stress in many families. I fear many well-intentioned Messianic believers, while desiring to serve God, unwittingly side with the enemy at this season of the year. What we must do is take the complex mess that is called Christmas and sort through what should stay and what must go. One of the ways to do this is to ask yourself why is the enemy waging war against Christmas? What is it about Christmas that he hates so much? (After all, he is trying to destroy this holiday, too!) Once we answer these questions, then we simply keep the parts of Christmas that Satan hates, and ignore the parts that he loves. It’s actually pretty simple when you look at it that way.

    Another way to frame the question is to ask, what parts of the holiday bring glory to God and to His Messiah, and what parts distract from this? In the Luton family you will not hear about Santa Claus (in fact, even when we were young parents in the Baptist church we refused to teach our kids about Santa). Nor will you see a Christmas tree. But, you will see our extended family gathered in our home, and you will hear us reading the nativity story, eating some wonderful food, sharing what we are thankful for over the past year, and, most of all, thanking God for sending His Son into the world out of love for us. (I can hear the enemy gnashing his teeth even now.) I dare any Messianic believer to find fault with that!

    Now, I am familiar with the contention that Yeshua was not born on December 25th. No doubt, He was born earlier in the year. However, is that an excuse to estrange myself from my believing brothers and sisters? Do I swallow a camel for the sake of straining out a gnat? Again, I think the enemy loves to divide, and we have allowed him to use the calendar to do just that. And, what is our testimony to the Christian world if we thumb our noses at their favorite day of the year? They will probably think that we do not believe in Yeshua – that we are “anti” Christ! Is that the testimony we want to have? How does that draw people to the truth? So, as I often say, let’s eat the meat and spit out the bones. And though it may feel uncomfortable to be in someone’s home who has a Christmas tree on display, just remember that Yeshua still came into the world even though there was error in it. He didn’t go around pointing out all that was incorrect. The “accuser of the brethren” position was already filled. A religious spirit is a satanic spirit, and it willingly sacrifices love on the altar of correctness.

    And, you are probably wondering about gift giving at this time of year. Remember that a gift can be used by God or by the enemy, depending on one’s motive. Am I giving a gift in order to bless another? Or, am I giving purely out of obligation? Or, even worse, am I giving in order to buy influence over the recipient? In that case, it is not a gift at all. It is a bribe. So, generosity and gifts are a blessing any time of the year, if given in love.

    I hope this helps some!

    Shalom & Blessings,
    Grant L.

  3. by Lyn

    On December 11, 2017

    Thank you again.


  4. by Victoria Nappi

    On December 12, 2017

    Wow, thank you for these teachings….. so much of Yeshua in the Torah…He can be seen now with eyes open to truly “see him”……

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