Haf. Mattot (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In this study we consider what fundamental spiritual skills a person must have to prophesy. We look at the connection between seeing and hearing and consider how this is demonstrated in Jeremiah’s life and calling.


Visuals: Haf. Mattot

Categories Haftarah Portion, Media | Tags: , , | Posted on July 20, 2014

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On July 24, 2014

    prophets: does God ever “happen” to us as he “happened” to Jeremiah? What does it mean and how can we be prophets today?
    And how can we “see” the unseen and still describe “almond staffs” or “boiling pots” or Rocks?
    And yet the things we see are “God’s words”.
    I guess you answered the questions in part — obedience to what we know of God.

  2. by Uchendu Izuogu

    On July 25, 2014

    A study in MATTHEW!!!!!!
    i’m so excited! Thank you so very much!

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