Haf. Re’eh (Is. 54:11-55:5)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In this study Grant shares briefly about his two weeks of teaching in England. Then we look into this amazing passage in Isaiah that offers tremendous comfort during times of hardships. We see God’s emphasis on building a life of righteousness and learn a surprising insight into who ‘the destroyer’ is in this passage. (Note: the “Trip to England” visual below is a large zip. file that requires Keynote or PowerPoint to view.)


Visuals: Trip to England    &     Haf. Re’eh

Categories Haftarah Portion, Media | Tags: | Posted on August 24, 2014

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  1. by heather

    On September 5, 2014

    hi grant I was amazed you came to Woking and we had missed it we live so close please we would love more information on the barn as I cant find . thank you for always making us feel part of your fellowship love to you all 🙂

  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On September 26, 2014

    Heather, It is indeed a small world. I had no idea there was another listener in that part of England or I would have notified you. But I look forward to returning in the near future and hope to meet you then. Shalom, Grant Luton

  3. by Tiki Horea

    On April 9, 2015

    Shalom Grant,

    I’m excited to see that you’ve got a connection with Woking, as I live really close . I’m looking forward to you coming back to the UK.

    I’m romanian and yes, there are messianic congregations in Romania as well, which is great. Baruch HaShem!

    Yevarechecha Adonai veYishmerecha.

  4. by L. Grant Luton

    On April 12, 2015

    Dear Tiki, I am looking forward to returning to my beloved England again too! The fellowship in Woking is a wonderful group of people and I am happy that you have discovered them. Thank you for your comment and I pray that the teachings continue to be a source of blessing. Shalom, Grant

  5. by Tiki Horea

    On April 14, 2015


    I haven’t discovered them yet, even though I am curious to find them.

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