Haf. Vayishlach (Obadiah 1:1-21)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of the Haftarah portions for the 2013-14 Torah cycle. In this teaching we complete a discussion carried over from last week concerning God’s character as described by the “Thirteen Attributes of Mercy” found in Exodus 34. We then take a close look at the spiritual force of darkness in the world portrayed by Edom/Esau and read several pertinent passages from Roy S. Neuberger’s book “Worldstorm”.

This teaching’s Visual Resources:

Haf. Vayishlach

Categories Haftarah Portion, Media | Tags: , , , , , | Posted on November 17, 2013

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  1. by Charlotte Gunther

    On November 17, 2013

    I’m struck by how worldwide is the message of Obadiah.

    is the a source for why Zarephath is France and Sepharad is Spain?

  2. by john guichard

    On March 28, 2014

    Hello brother Luton!

    Hearing you say that God sees only light and dark begs an important question from me. Do you think anyone will be saved outside of faith in Christ? Do you see Him merely as a symbol of ultimate good that we must conform to to be saved? What is your meaning? Is the Bhuddist that seeks good and enlightenment of his own merit but rejects the person of Christ to be saved? What are your thoughts on this tightrope question? It ‘appears’ that your are suggesting the path is broad but I struggle to believe that is your meaning.

    Please clarify, brother.

    With earnest love in Christ, y’verechacha Adonai v’yishmerecha!


  3. by L. Grant Luton

    On March 28, 2014


    Thank you for your question and the opportunity to clear up confusion my comments may have generated. I absolutely believe that there is no salvation other than through Yeshua. (And He is no mere symbol!) We are saved by God’s grace, and that grace, demonstrated throughout the Scriptures, was displayed to the world through God’s Son when He laid down His life for the salvation of the world. However, the question remains — how much does a person actually need to know in order for Messiah to ‘save’ him? I don’t know the answer to that. Paul suggests (Romans 5) that just as Adam’s sin impacted the entire human race, the righteous act of Messiah impacts it even more! This is indeed astounding. I think C.S. Lewis puts it best when he writes “We do know that no person can be saved except through Christ. We do not know that only those who know Him can be saved by Him.” After all, doesn’t one who is rescued usually get to know his rescuer AFTER the event rather than before? There is a great mystery here. But there is no mystery in that salvation comes only through Yeshua.

    Blessings & Shalom,
    Grant Luton

  4. by john guichard

    On March 29, 2014

    Thankyou brother! These are my thoughts exactly on the subject (not that my thoughts matter!) But you have expressed them far better than I could. So often I come back to this question of how much we must know or be conformed to Him to be saved. The thief on the cross can’t have known much but recognised him, can’t have been conformed much yet was surely repentant.. Or then you have the ten virgins and those without oil were left out. I can only think God has left the confusion purposefully. A carrot and a whip. May He bless you richly my dear brother.

    Lastly I have also heard that you might be making a trip to the UK and that you are talking with The Church at Pilgrims Hall about teaching there! PLEASE DO BROTHER!! I was so happy to hear it. And on the small chance that you have a free evening, please come to our little home and share a meal with us. We would truly love to have you and give you the warmth of our love in Christ.

    Better now than I pester you far a 1000 years in Heaven!

    Your brother John.

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