Haftarah Vayeira 5765

Join Beth Tikkun as we study 2 Kings 4:1 – 37.

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Categories Haftarah Portion, Media | Tags: | Posted on October 23, 2004

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  1. by Betty Roth

    On November 4, 2017

    I live in the zip code of 92679, where is anpther congregation like yours in my driving area within 25 miles?

    I am a Jewish believer, who likes my Jewish roots and have gone to church. I like the word taught.


  2. by L. Grant Luton

    On November 6, 2017

    Betty, So sorry, but I have no idea what messianic communities you may have out there in California. I recommend you Google “Messianic congregations near me” and see what comes up.

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